Page name: The Demon's Eye [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-31 01:51:20
Last author: Nomak
Owner: Silas the Albino
# of watchers: 9
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D20: 10
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"I know what you mean." Xion hugged her

Carmen curled upto him.

Xion strokes her hair

Carmen held him tight.She was shivering.

Xion covered her with her blanket

She started crying in Xion's arms.

"Oh Carmen..." Xion stroked her hair and held her close

Carmen sobbed in his arms and shivered violently.

Xion comforted her

Carmen continued to cry.Her hair got wet with her tears and some strands stuck to her face.She looked like a complete mess.

Xion wiped her tears away and pushed back her hair. "Talk to me Carmen."

"I do not wish to see death...Not anymore.."Carmen sobbed.

"Carmen, my love, he'll be ok..." Xion looked at her.

"How do you know?!How do you know he won't fall over and die!?"Carmen cried.

"Do you want me to go check on him now? I'll give him a full check up..." Xion looked at her

"I don't know.."Carmen sobbed and hid under the blankets.

"Please don't hide from me..." Xion frowned

Carmen peeked from under the blankets.Her eyes were slightly red from crying.

Xion caressed her face

Carmen smiled abit and closed her eyes.She loved the feel of Xion's soft hands.

Kroenen couldn't remeber for the past 72 hours.

Kit woke up not knowing what happened.

Kia was asleep on the ground next to him.

Rain was watching over Kroenen.

Kit looked at her and smiled.

Kia curled up on the ground.

Kit wrapped his arms around her.

Kia blinked and opened her eyes."Hn..?"

Kit fell asleep again holding Kia.

Kia smiled and nuzzled him.

Kit looked at her.

Kia looked up at him and smiled."I got worried.."

Kroenen saw Rain and picked 'em off the ground by their thoat. "Where am I?"

Rain coughed and struggled."Let me go!Your on the ship and in your room!"She cried out

Kano nodded "thats goor because I would have hated to kill you" he said as he spun and escaped the figures hold

Kroenen threw her against the wall and ran to the deck.

Rain hit the wall and shivered.She got up and walked to Kano."you would hate to kill me,why?"

Kroenen thought to himself this isn't his ship

Carmen blinked."Somethings wrong.."She got up and walked out,seeing Kroenen."Hey!you alright?"

Kroenen turned. "Who the hell are you?"

Carmen walked upto him." don't look so good..Go back to your cabin."

Kroenen said clenching his fist "Back off.."

Carmen put the back of her hand to Kroenen's forehead."You don't have a fever..Come on,you shouldn't be outside."She grabbed his hand

Kroenen Grabbed her arm and flipped her.

Carmen yelped but landed on her feet."Kroenen whats wrong with you!?

Kroenen put a foot right into her stomach.

Carmen fell back and coughed."Ow...Whats going on...?"

"What's going on? What do you think." Kroenen said

"Kroenen,your acting strange..."

"Strange... you not know the meaning." Kroenen said

Carmen got up."Whats wrong?"

"A lot" Kroenen said.

"Oh dear...This must have somethng to do of when you passed out.."

Kit leaned over the edge of the nest and aimed his rifle at Kroenen but didnt say anything so he could shoot if something happened.

Kano smiled "my swords dont call for your blood"

Rain raised an eyebrow."Hn."

"Oh dear boy.." Kroenen said throwing a knife cutting kit right wrist and darts to the other end of the ship.

Kit flinched at the pain and watched the deep wound spray blood, he grabbed the wound as blood dripped from his arm.

Kroenen looked up. "You better get that looked at..."

Xion Hearing the commotion after rethinking the situation went up on deck and looked around. "What's going on?"

"Another person?" Kroenen sighed.

"Xion!Get Kit some help!"Carmen shouted.She grabbed a sword."Kroenen..."

Therial walked up."Need any help?"Swigs some of his rum.

Carmen glared at him."How are you drinking at a time like this!?"

Therial laughed"Easy like this"took another swig."I'm not a doctor or anything but sounds like Kroenen has amnisia."

Xion walks quickly to Kit and grabs his arm gently and brings it to him to look at it, he pulls a cloth from his bag, and places it on Kit's arm. "Here, hold it firm on there."

Carmen growled."Listen you drunkard.I said you could watch and organize the rum.Not drink it all!!"

Therial laughed"This is only my first bottle."

Kano looked rain up and down "I believe you know who i am but i cant say the same for you so would you mind introducing yourself?"

Kroenen smriked "Perfect..."

"This is our rum master.He takes care of the rum but prefers drinking it."Carmen sighed

Kroenen drew his sword.

"Oh shit..."Carmen held her sword in an attack position.

Kit held the cloth for Xion. "all the bad stuff happens to me......."

Therial walked in front of Carmen."Hey you there with the sword...why don't you put it away and we just have a nice drink...or we can do this the hard way."took a swig of rum.

Carmen stared at him in confusion."Don't be stupid.He's our navigator..He's just..Abit on the insane side.I can handle it.."She stood infront of him."I hate it when people try to fight my battles."

Xion digs through his bag pulling out his usual twine thread and curved needle, He pulled out a box of matches, scissors, and a small box. He stands up and lights a match putting the needle over it, burning off any germs on it. He waved it from side to side to cool the needle after blowing out the match. He threaded the stitching thread through it and waited to see if the bleeding had slowed.

Carmen grabbed something from her pocket,keeping a grip on the sword.She glared at Kroenen.

"Insane ye say?" Kroenen laughed taking off hos coat though it back showing an almost perfectly talored vest.

"Yes.Insane."Carmen growled.

Kroenen rose his sword to an attacking position.

Carmen growled."I don't want to fight you!"

Kroenen smiled.

"But if I have to I will.."She shivered.

Xion took Ki's arm in his hand and took away the cloth. "Brace yourself..." Xion began to stitch Kit's arm.

"We will see just how well." Kroenen said.

Ear stood at the front of the ships overlooking the horizon before him.

Carmen growled and lunged at him,clashing swords.

Kroenen smiled then slid under her through her legs.

Carmen growled and kicked him when he was under her.

Kroenen took the hit and laughed.

Carmen backflipped and landed on her feet.

Kroenen flipped off the mast to her bringing down a powerful hit.

Carmen screamed and coughed up blood.

Kroenen back up a bit.

Carmen growled and got up shakily.She grabbed a pistol from her belt,aiming for Kroenen's legs.

Kroenen smiled and got a knife in throwing posistion.

Carmen growled.She cocked the pitsol and aimed.

Ear slammed his clentched fist into the back of Kroenens' head.

Carmen glared at Ear."Back down!"

Ear looked up and nodded his head.

Carmen tackled Kroenen and pinned him down,tieing him down with some rope.

"Silly Captain Carmen never checks for more weapons." Kroenen said pulling a knife from his sleeve and cutting free.

Carmen took out two daggers and stabbed his hands into the deck.

Kroenen smiled and forced the knives out.

Carmen growled and shoved them back in.

"Pain is in the mind..." Kroenen said kicking her back and lifted them.

Carmen coughed and growled."Kroenen please!"

Kit ran out onto the deck with his rifle aimed at Kroenen.

"Stand down!"Carmen yelled to him.

Kit put the rifle down.

Kroenen pulled each knife out.

"Please Kroenen...This is for your own good.."Carmen said softly.

Kroenen started to get angery for no apperant reason.

Xion stood next to Carmen and glared slightly.

Carmen saw Xion's glare."Calm down Xion..."She held her stomach and winced.

Ear stood and watched the scene as it came o a pause.

Kroenen drew another sword with his free hand.

"Please Kroenen..I'm begging you..."Carmen said pleadingly.

Kit stood there watcing, his rifle ready.

Carmen made a hand signal,telling everyone to stand down.She took a step closer to Kroenen.

There was a loud crack as Xion's handballed into a fist

Carmen looked back to Xion and smiled reassuringly."Calm down,sweetheart.."She said toXion.

Xion didn't seem any calmer.

Carmen whimpered.

Xion growled softly then calmed down

Carmen smiled.

Ear folded his arms across his chest.

Kroenen watched them.

Carmen took another step twords Kroenen."Please...Just..Calm down.."

Took a step backwards.

"Please Kroenen...I'm begging you..Carmen took another step and held out her hand.

Kroenen took a step backwards onto the railing.

Carmen stopped."Please Kroenen...I'll do anything..Just don't go..."

Kroenen threw the sword riight between her feet.

Xion growled

Carmen kept still."Calm down Kroenen...We're only trying to help you..."She sighed and walked back into her cabin,giving up.

Xion followed Carmen, looking worried

Carmen shut her door and lied on her bed.,

Xion sat on the edge of her bed and looked at her

Carmen sighed and threw her hat to the floor."Im a terrible captain..."

"No you're not." Xion lifted her into his arms cuddling her

Carmen smiled softly."Yes I am..."

"No." Xion pecked her lips gently

Carmen smiled and nuzzled him.

Xion nuzzled her back

She kissed his neck."I love you..."

"I love you too." Xion smiled

Carmen yawned and fell asleep in her lovers arms.

Xion fell back on the bed and cuddled her falling asleep

Kano looked around and scrathed his head "wierdest bloody night" he muttered and made for the direction of his cabin

Rain tackeld him.

Kano rolled trying to pin her beneath him "what in the name of the four winds is your problem?"

Rain growled and squirmed.

Kano growled and using one hand pinned raines hands above her head the other he grabbed her throat "now listen here i want to know why you keep attacking me i mean have i donna anythin to offend ye'h?" he asked his voice rough

Rain choked.She growled and turned in a way where her leg was free.She kicked him

Kano rolled off of her and to his feet his hands reaching for his words as he moved to a fighters crouch knees slightly bent "girl your starting to make me want to hurt you"

Rain tackled him and growled.

Kano boot his boot in rains gut and kicked trying to throw her off "you are really starting to get annoying"

"I'm bored and I wana fight."Rain growled.

Kano got up and drew his sabers "you wanted one you got one" he said dashing forward swinging one high and one low

Ear stood at the helm of the ship.

Rain jumped back,she had a bottle of rum with her.

Kroenen regained stability. "What the hell?" He said looking around.

Kano smiled and spun his sabers "you say you want a fight yet you run from me" he said looking annoyed at her "but I will give you this your a quick one"

"I am a master at the drunen fist style..."Rain pulled out a dagger and a pistol from her pockets.

Kano smiled "last I recall the drunken fist style didnt have call for pistols" he said mockingly taking a step forward

Rain twitched and growled."I don't care.I use them for fun..."

Kano smiled and nodded "very well then lass lets have at it"

"DONT CALL ME LASS!"Rain rushed at him,top speed.

Kano stuck his sabers into the deck as Rain got close and grabbed her shoulders getting ready to throw her

Rain yelped,not fully realizing what was going on,

Kano smiled and spun still holding Rain he let go and at the same time picking up his sabers

Rain fell on her butt and meeped.

Kano laughed as Rain meeped and clapped the flats of his blades together "ha ha sorry lass didnt mean to hurt your backside"

Kroenen yawned and leaned back in his chair pulling a hat over his eyes and stated to hum a tune.

Carmen looked at her ceiling.She sighed.

Xion nuzzles her. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just thinking...Me thinks I need to paint me walls black..."

"Why's that?" Xion looked at her

"Because the color red is to bright."

"I don't think so." Xion nuzzled her softly

Carmen purred softly."Hmm..."

Xion closed his eyes and purred in her ear and against his jaw

Carmen blushed and held him tight.

Xion ran his fingers down her spine slowly

Carmen gasped and arched her back slightly.

Xion kissed her neck and murred softly.

Carmen purred and held him."mmm.."

Xion nipped her neck and kissed it, his hand slid up and caressed her right breast gently.

Carmen's eyes widened.She gasped and gripped onto Xion's shoulders tightly.

Xion continued to caress her breast gently purring and kissing a trail up to her lips kissing her deeply.

Carmen grabbed his hand."X-Xion..."

"Aye?" Xion stopped and looked at her.

Carmen blushed.

"What's wrong?" Xion looked into her eyes smiling softly'

"I dont know if we should..."Carmen blushed

"It's you decision my dear." Xion purred

Carmen pinned him down and kissed him roughly.

Xion blushed and kissed back.

Carmen blushed."I don't think we should...

"I would like to, but it's your choice..." Xion nuzzled her

Carmen bit her lip."Okay..."

Xion kissed her neck and nipped her collarbone.

The Demon's Eye xrated

Kit yawned and leaned against the mast looking out to see..

Kit looked over the edge at the water.

Kit pulled his pistol out and aimed at the water and shoot his reflection.
Kroenen pushed hhim into it. "Get a fucking grip."

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2007-07-11 [Xerin Zamaki]: oh ok but what happen to the macken???

2007-07-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: hello

2007-07-30 [Xerin Zamaki]: wooo macken XD

2007-08-14 [Xerin Zamaki]: ^read Last comment XD

2007-08-14 [Xerin Zamaki]: Hey you guys want sumone to fight?

2007-08-14 [Piercedskull]: yus please^^

2007-08-14 [Xerin Zamaki]: allrighty then ^^

2007-08-15 [Yami]: man this thing's getting full...

2007-08-15 [Xerin Zamaki]: I have a suggestion what to do bout the gun poweder. turn both ships opposite ways and just sail away.

2007-08-15 [Piercedskull]: ...Good idea..

2007-08-15 [Xerin Zamaki]: I like explosions the all like pssh woomm boo crraa baaa booom lol XD

2007-08-15 [Piercedskull]: ...And you like um..macken...Apperently..

2007-08-15 [Xerin Zamaki]: lol nah thats just a pass time XD

2007-08-15 [Piercedskull]: ...oka..

2007-08-16 [Xerin Zamaki]: Did kroenen punch me(Ziar) in the head...Cause if so I was't even near you....

2007-08-17 [Nomak]: Ziar sighs then picks up Kroenen and throws him over his shoulder... Now fund where you put me down. Smartass

2007-08-17 [Xerin Zamaki]: "I'm sorry,but if you haven't noticed,I'm lacking a large amount of blood,and I have a broken arm and leg...."Carmen tried getting up again

Ziar sighs then picks up Kroenen and throws him over his shoulder the picks Carmen up and jumps onto her ship and sets them down."You want me to bandage that up too."Ziar chuckled

"No.Just let me die in an honorable position."Carmen sighed and looked up at him."Look..I'm sorry I tricked your emotions.."

read it all the way dumbass I said picks up korenen throws him over my shoulder then picks up Carmen and jumps onto her ship and sets THEM!!! down..

2007-08-18 [shadow_walker]: chill out man we get whats happening

2007-08-19 [Xerin Zamaki]: .....Sorry was haven a bad day...pmsing XD lol XD

2007-08-21 [Piercedskull]: wait...but your a dude!!!..right?*checks your pants*yeah.your a dude

2007-08-21 [Xerin Zamaki]: O_O i don't belive you just did that....I feel violated...but yeah as you have seen now I am a dude....even though not sure how you saw something that small...XD I got a little weiner and some tiny nuts XD

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